What is the difference between Poly and mono-crystalline solar panels?

Monocrystalline solar panels are generally thought of as a premium solar product. The main advantages of Monocrystalline panels are higher efficiencies and sleeker aesthetics. Polycrystalline solar panels generally have lower efficiencies than monocrystalline options, but their advantage is a lower price point. In addition, polycrystalline solar panels tend to have a blue hue instead of the black hue of monocrystalline panels.

How big of a system do i need?

There is a math equation that they use for residential but it doesn’t work exactly the same, but it goes your total watts use in a 24 hour period we will call that “X”. Divide that number for 5 which is the average sunlight in a day for the state of Utah, we will call this “Y”. This is the wattage of solar you will need. Example 2200 Watts in a day. 2200/5=440 Watts of solar.

How many watts do i need, my SUGGESTION.

  • If you are looking at a kit for a dump trailer, van, or anything just to keep the batt. charged is a 100 watt solar kit.

  • If you have a RV or trailer, and only camp during the summer then I would recommend at least a 200 watt solar kit. If you camp year-round then at least a 300 watt kit. or possible 200 watt premium kit.

  • If you have a RV or Trailer with an inverter that you use to watch TV at night or brew a hot cup of coffee in the morning then recommend a minimum of 300 watts. Make is a 400 watt if you camp year round as well.